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1 Translation result for good-looking in Spanish


good-looking adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
bello, bonito, guapo

Synonyms of
good-looking adjective

Detailed synonyms for good-looking adjective

See: Beautiful

good adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
bueno, agradable; beneficioso; completo, entero; bastante; bien; amable; hábil; sensato; buen

Example sentences of
good adjective

  • The car is in good condition.
  • You'll need better tools for this job.
  • There are some good restaurants in this neighborhood.
  • I'm afraid your work is just not good enough.
  • Keep up the good work.
  • “Would you hire her again?” “Yes, I would. She does good work.”
  • The food was good but not great.
  • He has done good but not outstanding work.
  • Did you have a good time at the party?
  • We're expecting good weather for the weekend.

look verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
looked, has looked, is looking, looks
mirar; buscar; parecer

Example sentences of
look verb

  • He looked straight ahead and kept walking.
  • When you take a walk, look around you.
  • She smiled at me and then looked away.
  • He looked back the way he had come.
  • Look both ways before you cross the street.
  • When I finally reached the top I was afraid to look down.
  • She looked from one person to the next.
  • They looked off into the distance.
  • He was looking over his shoulder.
  • Her new haircut makes her look young.
¿Cuál preposición sigue al verbo look?
  • Cuando se usa para significar 'ver', el verbo look es seguido por la preposición at. Por ejemplo: He looked at the painting and admired the skillful artwork.
Remember this?
the deep of night
lo más claro de la noche
la noche más calma
lo más profundo de la noche
lo más peligroso de la noche
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Reverse translation for good-looking

bello  - beautiful 
bonito  - pretty, lovely 
guapo  - handsome, good-looking, attractive, elegant, smart, bold, dashing